Today I’m going to tell you A TRUE HORROR STORY, That ACTUALLY HAPPENED. And then I’ll share a poem from DON’T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE 3 – OOEY, GOOEY & CHEWY.

Years ago, I had the Flu SO BAD, that it took a full sized bath towel just to keep up with all my snot & phlegm. “After at least 3 days ,” IT WAS SATURATED! My other half at the time was Very Aware that the Towl of 10 Plauges, “by my side of the bed,” was OFF LIMITS. Now here’s where the Horror Story Starts. I’m sitting in the living room, “finally feeling better,” and guess what I see? My wife walking into the room while drying off from her shower WITH THAT EXACT, “AND UNWASHED,” TOWL! The only image that came to mind was the film of slime on her wet body as the bath water REHYDRATED days of snot, spit, loogies and the plague that had been hacked up from the depths of my fluid filled lungs. Needless to say, “after trying to blame me for her purposely acquiring the towl herself,” another VERY LONG & SCALDING HOT SHOWER Soon followed. šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


Did you know
The quickest way
To losing all your friends
Snotty bubbles
Boogery Whoas
And always a finger
Up your nose.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

Now we all know
This plague is vast
With no escapes
From its deadly blast.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

A game of marbles
Can end real quick
When the slimy glass
Starts to stick
That is why
You should never pick
Or all your friends
Will end up sick.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

Now as your nose
Turns bright red
The snot begins to thicken
And everyone knows
Your deadly now
And upon them your plague
they will sicken.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

Now thereā€™s a way
To spread him quick
And make your friends
Extremely sick
Cough over there
Over here too
On all cleaned surfaces
You must Boogari spew.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

As the petri dish
You carry inside
Multiplies and Sickens
All from you
We should run
Lickety split
And Quicken.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

With boogers green
Chewy Brown Ew
And Sickly yellow
Very runny white too
Stop picking your nose
Like weā€™re not here
With fingers deep
For a sweet treat
That you sniff
And then eat.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a King
His Queen
And their Duchess.

I share all this
In hopes to live
And for your benefit
Stop picking your nose
Eating your boogers
And running your friends away
For if you wish
For them to stay
Booger picking
Ends Today.

Ewwgari Boogari
Kills that which it touches
Even a king
His Queen
And their Duchess.

All Greenman books can be obtained at either OR


Not only did I survive this bought with the dreaded sickness, but I am also well enough to celebrate my 51st birthday this Sunday, February the 9th. I’m also getting to start my 10th book called REAL SKIN. This intriguing story will be taking place in the Denver Metro area. Its lead character is Detective Jarrett and he will be up against one of the most unusual cases ever. Trying to solve the enigma of why would someone have a storage unit full of skin sample slides. This discovery will not only lead to a serial killer, but it opens a whole new can of worms after he figures out where the rest of the missing bodies to those samples went to. Look for REAL SKIN here in the near future. Don’t forget to look for The Greenman’s other Critically Acclaimed books at or

By the way, I was blessed with a new chair to sit and write in that actually has seating adjustment capabilities. I now have to relearn how to type from above the keyboard instead of being Two inches below it. OH THE STRUGGLES.


4 days till The Greenman’s 51st Birthday & 9 days till Valentines.
If You need a Daddy for Valentine’s Day, Father & I would Love for you to embrace us.
FATHER MAY I Available at. #newbook #newrelease #writingcommunity #sciencefiction #fantasy #fiction #literature #litiaryfiction #promote #youngereader #youngadult #fantasy #valentinesday2019 #valentinesgift #ValentinesDay #Valentines #alburquerquenewmexico #newmexico #santafe #taos #dixon #espanola #alburquerque


As I sit here wondering why I am having no sales and why I seem to be stuck in the mud and going Nowhere, I do everything I can to remember my Golden Rule when it comes to feeling depressed. LOOK FOR THE LIGHT. To many times we are so overcome by the darkness, we forget that we are also surrounded by the light.

So today I am Going to do just that. I’m going to remind myself of all the Accomplishments that have been achieved by myself in just the last year.

8 Published Books through a Great Company ran by Christopher Clawson Rule, I am also a Global Selling Author. I’ve currently written and published 3 articles, a number of published poems, 9 published interviews AND I’ve been a part of a LIVE BROADCAST with Chat & Spin over in Newcastle on the Tynes in England. My Google Knowledge panel is up and running and all my social media is attached to the Google search engine. Over 12 OR MORE different links pop up about me when my name is Googled and TONS of pictures also pop up for the searcher to view. Our 4 legged baby Loki is One of them :). I am Blessed to have a number of new author friends who are willing to show their support as WE ALL battle for our spot in the Gladiator Arena of this Literary world that seems to require a lot of spilt blood, sweat and tears.

I also have another 15 books just waiting to be written. WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! So, when the darkness of defeat and failure come knocking on your door, Please Remember these depression breaking words. LOOK FOR THE LIGHT. And if you can’t seem to find it, then reach out to someone who has. I’m sure they would be willing to Lovingly share that which cast out All Darkness and help you find your way to the light which shines in your own life.

Sincerely, E.A. Green / The Greenman.


IF YOU ENJOY A LITTLE BIT OF LUST, HATE, ENVY & GREED ON YOUR VALENTIE’S DAY; THEN YOU’LL FIT RIGHT IN WITH THE RESIDENT’S OF HARMONY. OR #Writingcommunity #Valentines #Valentinesday #Valentinesgift #Adultreads #indieauthors #Harmony #Apples #Statefairs #Countryfairs #Fairs #Indigenous #Presbiterian #Bedandbreakfast #Appletrees #Graphicnovel #Adultsituations #Taboosubjectmatter #Adultlanguage #Graphicsex #Extremelanguage #Illegalacts

A Great Novel based in Albuquerque New Mexico. FATHER MAY I

Look what you can get your Valentine for 20$ or less. 1 Book – 15$ 4 separate Kindle books from the Greenman ( FATHER MAY I, JUST JELLIES, BEDBUGS 1 & 3) – 4 x 2.99 = 12.96 Kindle Unlimited – FREE. Don’t forget E.A. Green’s other books too. (YEAR OF THE CICADA, THE FLESHEATERS & BEDBUGS 2) hashtag#writingcommunity hashtag#novels hashtag#indieauthors hashtag#fiction hashtag#suspense hashtag#thrillers hashtag#fantasy hashtag#youngadult hashtag#goodreads hashtag#sciencefiction hashtag#kindleunlimited hashtag#valentinesday hashtag#valentinesgift hashtag#Kindle hashtag#Mystery hashtag#Albuquerque hashtag#Albuquerquenewmexico hashtag#SantaFe hashtag#SantaFenewmexico hashtag#Dixon hashtag#Dixonnewmexico hashtag#Taos hashtag#Taosnewmexico hashtag#Espanola hashtag#Espanolanewmexico


Meet Awesome Writers

Ed Green

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Ed Green and my author pen name is E.A. Green / The Greenman and as of today, Iā€™ve written 8 books.

My 1st book was published about 4 weeks before my 50th birthday and Iā€™m originally from Rockport Texas but currently living in Kiowa Colorado. Breaking Rules Publishing, ā€œran by Christopher Clawson Rule,ā€ is my home base and I hope and plan to stay with them for many more years to come. Unbeknownst to many of my friends, Iā€™m an Ex Carnie with over 2 years of traveling like a Gypsy.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest accomplishment to be published is book 3 from my childrenā€™s series, DONā€™T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE 3 ā€“ OOEY, GOOEY & CHEWY. The series was a complete accident because my plan was to only write novels. But once a creepy child-like poem popped into my head, there was no stopping what I consider the type of bedtime stories Wednesday, Pugsley and I would have read and, ā€œthanks to my Dad who was into horror movies,ā€ grew up with.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Besides always having music playing and a cup of coffee next to me, my writing habits are pretty basic. Just DONā€™T expect me to instantly drop what Iā€™m writing just to have a conversation with you. Youā€™re likely to get stabbed.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
The Authors that helped me escape from the confinements of home and school bullying are Steven King, ā€œof course,ā€ Jean M. Auel, Piers Anthony, Terry Brooks, Richard Adams, Doctor Seuss, Dan Brown, Frank Herbert, George Orwell, Bram Stoker, and Many Others. King had such an effect, that my 1st Novel has been compared to his form of writing, which I consider a Major Honor.

What are you working on now?
I am currently working on M.A.D., the Very 1st Novel I started way back in 1990. It delves into the psychotic world of Malphas Angelo Dumas, who is the true definition for being Crazily Insane.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
When it comes to promoting my literary accomplishments, I, ā€œbeing the epitome of the broke artist,ā€ use every form of media that I can find and use for free. These include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, AllAuthor, Pinterest, Tumblr, Goodreads, Linkedin, WordPress, Amazonā€™s Author Central, Goodreads, My Knowledge panel on Google, Blogging, and YouTube.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
If You are NOT on a deadline, donā€™t write your book as if you were. Just breath, take your time and Write, Write, Write then Edit, Edit, Edit. Also, there are many voices out there who all have an opinion. Sadly, not all of the advice is good and there are many whoā€™s only goal is to steal and destroy your hard work, your determination, and belief in yourself and your bank account.

Stay Strong, Stay Focused and Stay Encouraged, for you will get there. If not today, then tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, then the day after that.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
If you canā€™t find the Strength and Will to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, youā€™ll never be able to stand against the negativity that seems to be heaped upon the world and its occupants these days. By the time you rise above all the other gladiators in the literary arena, you will have spilt much blood, sweated tons of mishaps and very possibly there would have been many tears shed at that point too. So Remember, this life is your story and if you donā€™t live and tell it yourself, your Not going to like what others will say about you and what they will write for you once youā€™re gone.

If the world is left with an impression about you, let it be the one you chose.

What are you reading now?
Currently, Iā€™m in the process of writing and not reading anything. I probably do need to sit down and read, but there are so many stories in my head wanting to see the light of day that itā€™s hard not to give in to their shiny dreams.

Whatā€™s next for you as a writer?
I am hoping to become such a sought after writer, that I can finally get off of disability. Iā€™m believing that my writing career will take off and allow me to become financially stable so that I can get the Governmentā€™s opinion and hands out of my finances and health choices.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1st, Iā€™m Definitely taking a book on how to survive on a Desert Island.

2nd, the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. That way I can finally understand the opposite sex, just in case I ever come into contact with civilization once again

3rd, the book No Limits by Michael Phelps, I may need to find the encouragement when the only way Iā€™m getting off of that island is by swimming.

4th and final, ā€œin case Iā€™m never leaving the island,ā€ 1000 ways to eat seafood and Never grow tired of its fishiness.

Author Websites and Profiles. or or or or or or or or or or or



  1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

EG: The first time the writing bug hit me was way back in High School during a poetry contest where I happily won 1st place.

My 2nd attempt was in 1993 at the American poetā€™s society competition in Washington D.C, sadly I donā€™t not win that time.

  1. How long does it take to write your book(s)?

EG: It usually takes me a few months if I stick with it and make it a priority over everything else.

  1. What is your work schedule like when writing a book?

EG: I usually start after my other half has left for work in the morning, ā€œaround 8am,ā€ and end up wrapping things up between 3 ā€“ 5 pm.

  1. Where do you get your ideas or information for your book?

EG: The ideas for my books seem to just pop in my head at the most random times or while watching horror, documentary or investigative shows.

  1. When did you write your first book?

EG: My Fist officially published book, ā€œYEAR OF THE CICADA,ā€ was in 2019.  My first attempt and soon to be published novel, ā€œM.A.D,ā€ was started around 1990.

  1. What do you do when youā€™re not writing?

EG: The biggest consumer of my time when not writing is self-promotion and keeping my social media alive and interesting.

  1. What does your family think of your writing?

EG: My Mom is amazed that Iā€™m able to achieve such an accomplishment that she considers a very daunting task.  My other family members, ā€œother than a famous cousin who is also a writer,ā€ see it as, thatā€™s cool.

  1. What was the most surprising thing you learned in creating your books?

EG: The biggest surprise to me, is that I actually have a knack for writing and storytelling.

  1. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

EG: To date, I have 8 books to my name and my favorite book is my unexpected childrenā€™s series DONā€™T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE.

  1. Any tips/suggestions on getting started?

EG: Take your time and realize that youā€™re not on a deadline.  Just breathe and let the story speak to you as it wishes to be written, dirty words and all.

  1. What do you think makes a good story?

EG: To me, a good story doesnā€™t over kill you in describing the scenes, reads as if an adult with some understanding of literature wrote it and Iā€™m not inclined to put it down before finishing that first chapter.

  1. As a child, What did you want to do when you grew up?

EG: As most kids of my era, a fireman at first, then a doctor and finally a Pentecostal preacher.  Thankfully, I ended up becoming who I was meant to be E.A. Green / The Greenman.

LINKS:Goodreads: Page: Page:

Global Selling Author E.A. Green / The Greenman.

As The Greenman makes his kindle debut, FATHER MAY I is free to download on kindle unlimited. Don’t forget to check out the Global Selling Authors other Great works too. YEAR OF THE CICADE, THE FLESHEATERS, the children’s series, DON’T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE and JUST JELLIES; a short story based in Rockport and Port Aransas Texas.

You can find the Greenman at any of these social media sites; OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR

All books are available at and